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- Exclusive collection crystals and minerals
- Gemstones (precious stones, semi-precious stones)
- Mineral beads
- Natural raw stones and minerals
- Afghanite
- Agate
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Ametrine
- Andean opal - blue
- Andean opal - pink
- Angelite
- Apatit
- Aquamarine
- Aragonite
- Astrophyllite
- Auralite
- Axinite
- Azurite
- Baryte
- Brazilianite
- Calcite
- Carneol
- Cavansite
- Celestine
- Chalcedony
- Charoite
- Chromdiopside
- Chrysocolla
- Chrysopras
- Citrine
- Clinoatacamite
- Cobaltocalcite
- Colombianite
- Copper
- Cyanite
- Danburite
- Diopside
- Dioptase
- Dolomite
- Dumortierite
- Emerald
- Eudialyte
- Fluorite
- Garnet
- Grape chalcedony
- Hackmanite
- Haüyn/hauynite
- Heliodor (golden beryl)
- Hemimorphite
- Hidennite
- Iolite / cordierite
- Jade
- Jasper
- K2 - Azurite in granite
- Kunzite
- Labradorite
- Lapis lazuli/lazurite
- Larimar
- Lemurian quartz
- Libyan desert glass
- Lodolite (quartz crystal with inclusions)
- Malachite
- Meteorite
- Moldavite
- Moonstone/adularia
- Moqui marbles
- Morganite
- Natural mussels (freshwater mussels)
- Nefrite
- Nuummite
- Obsidian
- Olivine (peridote)
- Opal - dendritic (merlinite)
- Opal Ethiopian
- Petalite
- Phenacite/Phenakite
- Phosphosiderite
- Pietersite
- Pollucite
- Prehnite
- Pyrite
- Quantum quattro
- Quartz - cut or polished
- Quartz/crystal - raw
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- Roselite
- Rosequartz
- Rubelit/red tourmaline
- Ruby
- Ruby in zoisite
- Sagenit (Venus hair)
- Sapphire
- Scoryl
- Selenite
- Seraphinite
- Shungite
- Skapolite
- Smoky quartz
- Smokyquartz with rutile
- Sphalerite
- Spinel
- Sugilite
- Sunstone
- Sunstone with iolite
- Superseven (Super 7)
- Tanzanite
- Tektite
- Tektite Agni Manitite
- Thulit
- Tiger´s eye
- Titanite/sphene
- Topaz
- Tourmaline
- Triplite
- Tugtupit
- Turquoise
- Vanadinite
- Vesuvianite (Idokras)
- Zircon
- Original handmade mineral jewelry
- Mineral beads bracelets
- Other jewelry
- Pendants
- Abalone/Paua shell
- Aquamarine
- Astrophyllite
- Azurite
- Azurite-malachite-chrysocol
- Cavansite
- Charoite
- Chrysoprase
- Cobaltocalcite
- Dendritic opal
- Ethiopian opal pendant
- Eudialyte
- Kunzite and hiddenite
- Labradorite
- Larimar
- Malachite
- Moldavite
- Moonstone (adularia) pendant
- Morganite
- Nuummite
- Obsidian
- Olivine/Peridot
- Pietersit
- Rhodochrosite
- Ruby
- Sagenit
- Seraphinite
- Sugilite
- Sunstone
- Turquoise
- Sales

Sunstone is a type of dull, translucent, sometimes even transparent feldspar. Due to small platelet mineral inclusions inside the stone (usually inclusions of copper, hematite or goethite), which produce bright metallic flashes, we can see an optical phenomenon called "adventency". Sunstones can be variously colored - from bright orange to ocher to clear The world's best-known sites include the United States, Mexico, Tanzania, India, Sri Lanka and Australia, but caution is needed when shopping, with sunstone being a rare mineral and precious stone and often mistaken by traders for cheaper ones. synthetic aventurine.