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Morganite, like emerald and aquamarine, is a beryl. It was first identified in 1910 and the following year was named by George F. Kunz after the famous financier, banker and avid gem collector J.P. Morgan. It varies in color from pink to purplish-pink, which is why it is also sometimes called pink emerald. Common shades include pale pink, purple, salmon or peach. The pink color is caused by the presence of manganese or cesium cations. Hardness on the Mohs scale: 7.5 – 8. Morganite is mainly used in the jewelry industry, where its color, clarity, cut and carat weight are considered. The most popular are pink and rose-purple morganites. But peach and salmon are also popular, as many jewelers consider untreated stones in these colors to be more valuable than those whose perfect color was created by artificial treatment. Almost all morganites stand out with soft pastel colors. Larger gems are characterized by more expressive and saturated shades. Pure pink is the most sought-after color, and purple-pink Malagasy morganites are also rarely found, which are among the rarest, as their deposits have already been mined. Morganite usually has no inclusions visible to the naked eye and impresses with its unique purity. Therefore, inclusions are rare, mostly liquid or two-phase. Inclusions in morganite resemble either hollow or fluid-filled needles or fingerprints. Due to the rare presence of visible inclusions, morganites "decorated" with tiny needles that evoke raw silk do not lose their value and are often sought after by collectors and goldsmiths. Gems that are not completely translucent are often cut or cut like cabochons. Morganite stands out for its distinct pleochroism – from pale to deep blue-pink shades – and must therefore be carefully oriented when cutting. Vibrant colors are not typical for this stone, so it is necessary to have relatively large gems so that jewelers can achieve the best appearance of the stone when cutting. Morganite is cut into all standard shapes (mainly oval, cushion, emerald, pear and marquise), but unique and unusual designs also appear.